

5 Tree Care Tips for Spring

Now that winter is safely behind us, it’s time to get your spring tree care routine up and running. Start by inspecting your yard and assessing damage caused by storms, cold or otherwise. If you see major concerns, those will need to be dealt with first. But if everything looks good, then here are five quick tips for springtime tree care to keep your trees healthy and strong.

Springtime Tree Care Tips

Here are some simple things you can do to care for your trees as they slowly wake up from their winter slumber.


The biggest benefit of mulch is it helps soil retain moisture, but it also acts to insulate tree roots and keep weeds away. In a more practical sense, mulch also protects your trees from lawnmower incidents since it acts as a protective barrier. In general, you’ll want to spread between two and four inches of mulch around the tree base, without touching the trunk itself.


In the spring, you’ll want to fertilize your trees and shrubs to give them a boost and promote plant growth. A slow-release fertilizer will release a consistent amount of nutrients into the soil over time, although you can use more traditional methods as well.


Springtime means pruning time! Make sure to do your major pruning when the trees are dormant, and if you’re not sure what you’re doing and don’t want to injure your trees we’re just a phone call away. We offer a variety of pruning services that will help you take the best possible care of your trees and leave them ridiculously good looking.


We live in a rainy climate so it’s easy to assume our trees have enough water. And for larger trees, this is usually the case. However, tree watering is a key element in proper tree care. When watering, remember Goldilocks. You don’t want to water too much or too little, but just the right amount of water for the tree and the season. 

To determine if a tree needs watering, check the soil moisture by inserting a gardening tool about two inches into the soil and dig a small trench. Touch the soil at this depth with your finger, and if it’s moist to the touch then the tree doesn’t need water. If the soil is dry, then it’s time to water.

Annual checkups 

Just like you would visit the dentist or doctor for regular checkups, scheduling a tree checkup is a part of tree care! Your friendly neighbourhood supertreeroes are always on call, ready to help you identify trees that could use some TLC and spot areas of concern so you can deal with them before they become problems. Once we know what we’re dealing with, then we’ll create a plan of action to get your yard ready for anything.

If you have questions about tree care, give us a call today, or request a free site assessment or estimate. Together, we’ll determine the best course of action for your unique needs.

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