

An ounce of prevention now saves you from expensive tree removal later

When people search for affordable tree removal services for their home, it’s usually to solve a problem. And tree services companies definitely solve problems. It’s where we show our true Supertreeroness! But did you know the best way to keep the cost of tree removal in check is by investing in tree maintenance?

You’ve likely heard the famous quote from Benjamin Franklin, “An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure.” Well, this idea extends to tree services as well. If you ensure your trees are safe, healthy and ridiculously good looking, then you’ll have less emergencies and headaches to deal with when the storms come.

And they always come.

What to look for when doing preventative maintenance 

Sure, maintenance is boring on the surface, but it’s these small actions now that will add up to big savings later. Trust us on this.

By following best practices for tree care and paying attention to warning signs, you’ll protect yourself from costly emergency tree removal, damage to your home and yard and much more.

Tree wounds

Tree wounds are caused by any number of things including fire, insect or animal damage and impacts. This can result in broken branches, scrapes or abrasions that expose the inside of the tree to potentially harmful bacteria or fungi. 

Why are these a risk factor? Bacteria and fungi can cause infection, decay or even cause discolouration. When this happens, your tree stem’s structure becomes weakened and it can even shorten your tree’s lifespan. 

The good news is, trees respond when injured by isolating the wound and creating a barrier between it and the rest of the tree. While it cannot heal itself, it can at least limit the extent of the damage by forming a callous.

If you notice a fresh tree wound when you’re inspecting your yard, there are a couple actions you can take.

Cut off ragged edges

When a tree is wounded, often there will be ragged areas where the bark has been ripped off. To assist in repairing this type of damage, cut off ragged edges of bark with a sharp knife. Make sure to leave as much healthy bark as you can.

The most common recommendation when scribing around a tree wound is to create the shape of an oval or ellipse. This does two things. One, it encourages the healing process and two, well, it looks nice.

Prune the wounds

Employing proper pruning techniques allows you to remove broken, dead or dying branches. When done correctly, pruning cuts maximize the tree’s chances of closing its wounds and preventing infection. 

If you’re at all unsure of the right way to prune, call your local Comox Valley pruning Supertreeroes. We specialize in tree pruning and will make sure your trees are well cared for.

When the wounds are superficial, healthy trees generally bounce back and recover in short order. How do you keep your trees healthy? It comes down to providing water and nutrients during droughts, fertilizing properly and conducting regular maintenance. Healthy trees are much easier to deal with and will allow you to avoid those desperate “affordable tree removal” searches more often than not.

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