

The Best Time of Year to Prune Your Trees

Did you know that pruning your trees is actually beneficial for their health and longevity? Sometimes pruning needs to happen immediately. If you notice a broken, dead, or diseased branch then search for a “tree pruning service near me” and get professional help ASAP. 

But if your trees are healthy and only need regular maintenance you can choose when to prune your trees..

When should I bring in a tree pruning service near me?

You might be thinking that outdoor work such as tree pruning is best done in the summer months when the weather is nice. 

Perhaps the summer is too hot and it is best to do it when the weather is more moderate in the spring or autumn? Well, you’d be wrong! If you have the option to choose when you get your trees pruned, we suggest wintertime.

Between November and March, most trees are dormant—in a state or rest—making it the ideal time to get them pruned. 

Getting trees pruned in the winter months is ideal for several reasons:

  1. Trees heal faster and will be ready to grow again by spring
  2. It has less impact on the trees surroundings since there are no leaves or fruit to fall down
  3. They are less likely to get a disease or infestation around the cut when it is cold outside

Of course we don’t always have the option of waiting for winter to bring in a tree pruning service. Trees can become damaged or show signs of disease or decay at any time. If you see any “red flags” on your trees, do not wait. Call in the tree professionals immediately to prevent the spread of disease and remove potentially hazardous branches. 

What to expect from a tree pruning service

Whether you call us for regular tree maintenance in the winter or your tree needs immediate pruning at any time of year, you can expect that we will do the job right. 

When the tree professionals arrive they will first assess the tree to see what is going on and make a game plan for the best course of action. They will be looking for what branches make up the skeleton of the tree and try to avoid them to maintain the structural integrity of the tree. The first to go will be outer branches showing obvious signs of disease or damage, maintaining as much healthy material as possible. Next the pruners will thin out areas that are too thick with branches or growing in odd directions, or may be causing obstructions. Once all necessary branches have been removed they will finish up by giving the tree a bit of shape to make it more visually appealing. 

The goal is to prune as little as possible to get the desired outcome. The more branches that can be salvaged the better, leaving at least two thirds of the branches to ensure the tree’s survival. 

There is never a bad time to improve the health of your trees. If you have the luxury of choosing when to schedule your tree pruning service, we suggest saving this job for winter when the trees are dormant so they will be ready to grow again come spring.

Cover photo by David Vig

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